The Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council

Open space
Open space refers to parks, playgrounds and other outdoor amenities located in or adjacent to Prospect Heights.

Make our neighborhood greener with the Prospect Heights Street Tree Task Force

Posted: April 28, 2015 - 3:58pm

After a long winter, the daffodils and tulips that have popped up around our neighborhood – many of which were planted by Prospect Heights Street Tree Task Force (PHSTTF) volunteers – are welcome sights indeed. We hope they inspire you to take a few moments to consider how you can help make our neighborhood greener and even more beautiful in the coming weeks. We’d like to offer a few suggestions:

Prospect Heights to get bioswales to control stormwater runoff

Posted: November 30, 2014 - 10:41am

The New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is undertaking a number of projects aimed at improving water quality in the Gowanus Canal. Several of these projects are intended to reduce combined sewer overflows (CSOs) into the canal. CSOs are prone to occur during heavy rains when stormwater overwhelms the capacity of the local sewer system.

Because Prospect Heights is part of the watershed for the Gowanus Canal, DEP plans to install a network of bioswales to absorb stormwater. Bioswales are tree pits with a curb cut to absorb runoff.