The Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council

Posted: May 22, 2015 - 1:06pm

Where is Prospect Heights?

Prospect Heights is a neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York, bounded by Flatbush Avenue to the west, Atlantic Avenue to the north, Washington Avenue to the east, and Eastern Parkway to the south. Prospect Heights includes parts of Brooklyn Community Boards 2, 6 and 8. It is home to approximately 19,000 residents, who are represented by elected officials from the 35th New York City Council district, the 20th and 25th New York State Senate districts, and the 52nd and 57th New York State Assembly districts. Prospect Heights is policed by the NYPD’s 77th and 78th Precincts.

(Map credit:

What is the Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council?

Since its founding in 2004, the Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council (PHNDC) has been the leading civic organization providing advocacy for neighborhood-wide issues on behalf of the residents and businesses of Prospect Heights. Its programs have engaged and received the support of thousands of community members in Prospect Heights and its environs. Some examples of PHNDC’s successful advocacy campaigns include:

In addition, PHNDC holds public meetings on subjects of interest to residents of Prospect Heights, including historic preservation, transportation policy, and local development. PHNDC sponsors non-partisan public forums for candidates for local elected offices. PHNDC also provides technical and operational support to block associations and community organizations within Prospect Heights.

Structure and governance

PHNDC is a New York State not-for-profit corporation with tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Membership in PHNDC is open to all persons 18 years of age or more. (To become a member of PHNDC, click here.) PHNDC is governed by a board of directors elected by its members. 

The current PHNDC board members and officers are:

  • Saskia Haegens, Vice Chair
  • Jason Simeral, Treasurer
  • Emily Liu, Secretary
  • Steve Flack
  • Raul Rothblatt
  • Mary Shuford


Members of PHNDC work together in neighborhood advocacy on issues relating to housing, economic development, physical environment, safety and security, and social services. Members may participate in the following committees of PHNDC:

    The Development Committee plans and executes programs to raise funds necessary for programs fulfilling the mission of the Council. For more information, email [Katherine Pangaro, Chair; Jen McNamee, Co-chair]

    The Economic Development Committee assesses opportunities and challenges facing businesses in Prospect Heights, fostering closer relations between local businesses and PHNDC, and offering programs and campaigns to improve business conditions in the neighborhood. For more information, email [Anu Heda, Chair; Emily Liu, Co-chair].

    The Housing Committee works to inform and educate community members about housing issues and potential strategies to address displacement and housing pressure. For more information, email [Gib Veconi, Chair; Lee Warshavsky, Co-chair]

    The Landmarks Committee plans and executes programs and activities intended to preserve the historic character of Prospect Heights, as well as drafts testimony to agencies of government regarding the impact of proposed construction on the historic character of Prospect Heights. For more information, email [Mary Shuford, Chair; Gib Veconi, Co-chair]

    The Livable Streets Committee works to improve the safety of the streets in Prospect Heights for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists, and to enhance the cleanliness and visual appearance of neighborhood streetscapes. For more information, email [Michael Lazar, Saskia Haegens, Matt Schabas, Co-chairs] 

    The Open Streets Committee plans, manages and executes the open streets programs on Vanderbilt Avenue and Underhill Avenue, including communications, street operations and programming. For more information, email [Saskia Haegens, Chair; Katherine Pangaro, Co-chair]

    The Technology Committee plans, implements and administers process automation in to improve the PHNDC's ability to fulfill its mission. For more information, email [Aidan Feldman, Chair; Phillip Godzin, Co-chair]

    The Volunteer Experience Committee promotes opportunities for community members to participate in the work of PHNDC and its committees, receives inquiries from individuals interested in offering their time and talents in support of PHNDC's mission, and engages volunteers on an ongoing basis so that PHNDC may more fully address their interests in community service now and in the future. For more information, email [Steven Flack, Chair; Carey Tan, Co-chair]


By-Laws of PHNDC

Standing Rules

Conflict of Interest Policy

Equal Opportunity Employment Policy

M/WBE Policy

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy

Sexual Harassment Policy

Meeting Policy



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