Starting this month, two projects that have been anticipated for quite some time are hitting the streets in Prospect Heights.
Signage and speed humps for Prospect Heights' Neighborhood Slow Zone (NSZ) are now being installed (like the signs pictured above at the corner of Park Place and Carlton Avenue). Prospect Heights was one of 15 communities chosen for a NSZ by the Department of Transportation in October 2013. PHNDC's application was among 74 received by DOT, and received the strong support of location elected officials and more than 1,300 residents. DOT's plan for the Prospect Heights NSZ was approved by Community Board 8 in June 2015.
Installation of approximately 40 bioswales is also underway this month. Bioswales in Prospect Heights will help limit storm water runoff entering the Gowanus Canal. The photo below shows a bioswale being built on Dean Street between Carlton Avenue and Vanderbilt Avenue. The bioswale project was announced by the Department of Environmental Protection in November 2014.