But neighborhood faces a race against time as landlords alter historic buildings to add extra floors

BROOKLYN, NY, August 7, 2018: The Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council (PHNDC), and The Cultural Row Block Association on Eastern Parkway (CuRBA) today announced that their campaign to designate the Prospect Heights Apartment House District as a New York City landmark has so far received the support of more than 1,000 residents and stakeholders.
The Prospect Heights Apartment House District is a six-block area of southeastern Prospect Heights containing 107 buildings constructed between 1909 and 1929. The district documents the change in urban living from row houses to apartments in early 20th century Brooklyn.
“Exceeding one thousand supporters after just a few months demonstrates the breadth and depth of support for this idea,” said PHNDC chair Robert Witherwax, The petition has received more than twice the number of signatures that were collected for the 2009 designation of the brownstone streets of Prospect Heights as the neighborhood’s first historic district. Mr. Witherwax added, “It’s very telling that nearly half of the supporters – tenants and owners alike – actually live in the apartment buildings within the proposed historic district. This shows deep grass roots support among all residents for this preservation.”
“Residents feel a sense of urgency to protect these historic apartment houses,” said Isabelle Broyer, president of CuRBA. “Since we began this campaign, one landlord has begun adding a new floor to the top of his building, and we’re aware of at least one other new owner who is planning to do the same. These uncharacteristic alterations detract from the character of an otherwise intact district. They also pose an inconvenience and disruption to the existing tenants, many of whom live in rent-stabilized apartments.”
In January 2018, the Historic Districts Council (HDC) recognized the campaign to preserve the Prospect Heights Apartment House District as one of its “Six to Celebrate” initiatives for 2018; HDC will be leading a walking tour of the district on September 28. Last month, BRIC TV released a video documenting the community’s campaign to designate the area a New York City historic district.
For more information on the Prospect Heights Apartment House District, visit www.PreserveProspectHeights.com.