The Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council

Recognition by the City's Landmarks Preservation Commission of the architectural significance of certain buildings or groups of buildings. Conveys protection from destruction or uncharacteristic alteration.

Landmarks Commission releases guide for permit applications

Posted: January 11, 2013 - 9:21am

The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission has launched a new manual on its website to help property owners in City historic districts (such as the Prospect Heights Historic District) file complete applications that include the correct materials, enabling our staff to review work proposals more expeditiously and issue permits with fewer delays. The LPC Permit Application Guide lists the materials that must be submitted, describes the criteria a project must meet to qualify for a permit, and explains the preservation principles for those criteria. 

New street signs for the Prospect Heights Historic District

Posted: August 3, 2011 - 9:49am

In July, the Department of Transportation installed new street signs throughout the Prospect Heights Historic District. Forty-nine existing signs within the district were replaced. The new street signs will more clearly indicate the boundaries of the Historic District to residents and visitors. Historic markers, each with a map and description of the district, will be installed later this year.