The Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council

Social services
The application of public services to social problems, their causes, their solutions and their human impacts in Prospect Heights.

Help save the arts at P.S. 9!

Posted: October 7, 2008 - 5:13pm

The Teunis G. Bergen Elementary School (Public School 9), along with the entire NYC Public school system has been hit with severe budget cuts this school year. The school's loss of an estimated $125,000 has resulted in the non-renewal of all student art residency programs. P.S. 9 was cited as one of New York City’s top improved educational sites for the 2007 school year due to a record 3-year gain in math and reading scores. With the untimely budget cuts, P.S. 9 have had to let go of the very programs that we used to create an excelled learning environment.