The Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council

Open Streets come to Prospect Heights
Posted: May 29, 2020 - 9:59am

The New York City Department of Transportation has approved PHNDC's request to include Carlton Avenue from Park Place to Bergen Street and Underhill Avenue from St. John's Place to Bergen Street in its Open Streets program during the COVID-19 emergency.

These blocks will operate as Open Streets from 8am through 8pm daily. The New York City Police Department (NYPD) will place barricades at the start of the day and remove them each evening.

Through traffic is not permitted when the NYC Open Streets are in effect. Local access for parking, local deliveries, pick-ups/drop-offs, necessary city service vehicles, utility vehicles and emergency vehicles is permitted, but motorists must exercise extreme caution and observe a 5 MPH speed limit. Cross streets remain open and both pedestrians and motorists should be mindful of each other as they approach intersections.

NYC Open Streets are meant to provide additional public space for walking, biking, and exercise. New Yorkers using NYC Open Streets must wear face coverings, practice social distancing, and observe additional guidelines listed in the attached PDF. These guidelines have been posted along with signage for motorists regarding access and speed limits. If they are not followed, DOT may need to adjust or remove the NYC Open Street from the program.

So far, the response from residents on the Open Streets blocks has been overwhelmingly positive. To keep these streets open for the community, we need everyone's help to ensure their safe use.

  • Observe the NYC Open Street frequently and please report back to the New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) on its operation. You can email observations and photos to and copy Please be sure to include which Open Street you are observing and your contact information so they may follow up with you if needed.
  • While you should not move the barriers yourself, please verify that they are in place throughout the day. Barriers should not fully block off a street but should be placed so signage is visible and so vehicles who must access the streets have to do so carefully by moving the barrier or driving slowly around it.
  • Please report missing or moved barricades, signage, and other urgent conditions to your local precinct and to (and copy
  • As always, if you see a dangerous or life-threatening condition please call 911.

Thanks, and enjoy your Open Streets!